프레드클락아라에프터다크1 프레드클락아라 에프터 다크 MCTM4Fdk After Dark 'SVO Black Pearl' FCC/AOS **** 물이 마르지 않게 주의. 단, 휴면기에는 2-3일 안에 건조될 수 있도록 관리**** 응애밥https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9kTF9KJUoo This is the first man-made, nearly pure-black orchid! It is famous for its incredibly dark flower displays that emit a spicy-sweet fragrance. The flowers emerge during or after the foliage sheds in the fall to winter season. These orchids flower best when grown in bright light. This batch of plan.. 2024. 1. 30. 이전 1 다음 728x90